Sunday, December 20, 2009

Voluntary Beat Down

You would think that the teachers and the administrators would find a better way of dealing with conflict among students? For instance, if one student is confronted by another and subsequently physically assaulted the student that passes the first lick should be the one that gets into trouble, one would think. But it don’t quite work that way in one school system in North Carolina.

Around here the student that takes the punch or beat-down without fighting back does not get into trouble... instead becomes the recipient of a good voluntary beating. But the kid that fights back, gets suspended right along with the aggressor…Please somebody help me understand this train of thought on the part of the to me quick!

about the author


  1. This a post in response to your December 20, 2009 about Voluntary Beat Downs. I have a 16 year old daughter who very recently had an issue at school that made me wonder what is happening to our schools. When I was in school it was always the aggresor who was repremended. But in my daughters case, it didn't exactly go down that way. A girl actually told her she didn't like her and ran and jumped on her, while my daughter was trying to do like I told her by walking away. The assistant principal tells me that they both would be suspended because they could not rely on witness statements because all the witness were friends of one or the other party. I was pleaded with him to get statements from her teachers and they would all tell him that my daughter was an explary student and was a true lover and not a fighter. He then suspended both girls anyway. The assistant principal finally discovered that it was all caught on video and suspend the other girl, the aggressor to an additional three days. Then I found the parents of the child and made a phone call and let them know if they couldn't control their daughter then I could refer her to some professional agencies that could help her daughter, because when a child is acting out like that...something is wrong.

  2. Cheryl, yes apparently this is happening all over. The school system must have some special training that for whatever reason embraces the idea that every child who's involved in a fight or beat down is guilty until he or she ...hum? let's proven guilty? yeah something is wrong but its not just the children. Parents and educators are failing horrorbly. I really appreciate your comment,and you sound like a really dedicated parent. Bless you.
