Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fractured Lives Faded Dreams

Divorce among military families are on the rise. I'm a supporter of the troops and wanting of their safe return to American soil sooner rather than don't get me wrong. But just what in the world are these patriotic souls looking for? It's kinda like a theory I had years ago about folks that pursued jobs as police officers, firefighters and the like.

I used to wonder what types of individuals applied for these jobs. In many cases I have found that young people searching to find their place in society often times find themselves in too deep before they even realize that they made such life altering decisions based mainly on emotion. That's not to take away from the integrity of choices of these individual, its just that we all unconsciously respond to feelings.

A career in the military during war time just sounds like something that a married man or woman aught to think long and hard about. Especially with the declining values placed on family these days. You can read any day of the week about a Fort Bragg soldier returning home only to discover a brand new baby in the crib next to his wife after an 18 month deployment. Yes divorce may come up in their next counseling session. But the choices bears the fruits of these acts. And unfortunately divorce is a part of the equation.

The fact that families are being separated by this business of war(and that's what it is)is a sad reality of peripheral casualties that are as substantial of a loss as any.

about the author

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